The Ukrainian war, one year on

The first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has passed. Decades of interimperialist contradictions finally erupted, for which the Ukrainian people paid dearly. Last year was marked in the West by armaments and war fever. Again and again there was a threat of turning the Ukrainian war into a wider conflict.

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Preventive counter-revolution. On the draft amendment to the Penal Code

On August 4, the opposition-controlled Polish Senate rejected the government’s amendment to the Penal Code. The bill is now returning to the Sejm, where the government coalition has the necessary majority to nullify the Senate’s veto. The amendment, which increases criminal penalties and the repressive nature of the state, largely duplicates the solutions proposed in the government’s draft of the Code from 2019. The bill was then declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Tribunal for procedural reasons (the bill was pushed through the Sejm in 2 days).

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What to remember on August 15

Along with the next anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw, a propaganda campaign takes place in which all the reactionary fantasies of official anti-communist historiography spread over the last 3 decades are repeated. To resist them, we need to understand the historical context of the Polish-Bolshevik war.

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Materialism or barbarism (On the anniversary of Kazimierz Łyszczyński’s death).

March 30 marks the 333rd anniversary of the death of Kazimierz Łyszczyński (1634-1689) – a Polish materialist philosopher condemned to the stake for promoting atheism. He is one of the countless martyrs for freedom and progress who have fallen victim to reaction and obscurantism.

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