Stray post-election thoughts

Polish parliamentary elections were held on October 15. With a record turnout of 74%, the ruling right-authoritarian Law and Justice (PiS) won 36% of the vote (and 194 Sejm mandates of 460), neoliberal center-right Citizen Coalition (KO) – 31% (157 mandates), neoliberal- “populist” Third Way – 14% (65 seats), the (nominal) Left – 9% (26 seats) and the far-right Confederation – 7% (18 seats). KO, Third Way and Left declared the formation of a coalition after the announcement of the ext poll favorable to them. This means PiS will be removed from power.

In the first-past-the-post Senate KO got the plurality of the seats despite PiS getting the plurality of the votes.

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