Adolf Warski defends the Paris Commune, Soviet Russia and the dictatorship of the proletariat

Adolf Warski, (born Adolf Jerzy Warszawski, 1868-1937) was one most important activist and theoreticians of Polish workers’ movement. In the article below, Warski engages in a polemic with the social democratic critics of the dictatorship of the proletariat and defends of Marxist theory of the state.


Jarosław Dąbrowski. Translated writings from the hero of the Paris Commune

The following collection contains writings (proclamations, orders, correspondence) written by Jarosław Dąbrowski (November 13, 1836 – May 23, 1871), an outstanding Polish revolutionary-internationalist and hero of the Paris Commune.


From defender to critic of “really existing socialism”. On Wsiewołod Wołczew

The document presented here is a peculiar one. And that is for two reasons. Firstly, because of its context; it is an analysis and critique of so-called “really existing socialism” written in 1989 as that system was collapsing. Secondly, because of its author, Wsiewołod Wołczew (1929-1993)*, who first came into public consciousness in the early 1980s as one of that system’s most rabid defenders.

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Polish Trotskyists on the Zionist face of ghetto collaboration (III 1941). Polish article translated to mark the 70th anniversary of the fall of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Glory to the Heroes of the Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto

May 16 marks the 70th anniversary of the bloody suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The uprising broke out on April 19, 1943 in response to the deportations of the ghetto inhabitants to extermination camps, started by the Nazis a year earlier. The insurrection led by the left-wing Jewish Combat Organization (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa, ŻOB) was brutally suppressed by the SS, Wehrmacht and Orpo with the support of the Trawnikis (anti-Soviet collaborators among the Red Army prisoners of war) and the so called Blue Police (the last remnant of the pre-war Sanacja regime).

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